Sony Wah

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Sony Wah is an Indian television channel owned by Sony Pictures Networks, and to an extent Wario (Which should be obvious). It is targeted towards audience of small towns and rural areas in the country and its programming consists on Hindi-language movies and southern Indian films dubbed in that language. It is Waluigi’s Favorite Channel.

History (Wah!)[edit | edit source]

It all began one night when Wario was going to betray Mario by putting his WarioWare shame on the Play Station 4. However, things didn't go as planned and Wario was giving a completely new channel by Sony instead. He tried to throw it into the Wa-Machine and it created the Channel known as Sony Wah, a channel filled with films and movies from the nation of India. Waluigi likes this channel because his brother is running it (But no touching!). It was created in 2016.

This place is quite popular in India, making people like Sailor Zee TV jealous of it's popularity. In other places of the planet, this show isn't very popular, as it's not good, though any TV in India is pretty great to them. It's not like they have much else to do, other than scamming people and doing stuff that Indian People do. The show is still in a 4:3 format too, and not in 16:9. Just buy a wider television at that rate! Other than that, that's all you need to know about Sony Wah, other than the fact that is runs The Super Wario Bros. Wah-wah Show! and the Indiana Jones trilogy for 75% of the run schedule, with the other 25% being other Indian Movies and stuff taken from the Crap Network.