Teen Titans GO! (TV shame)

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Teen Titans GO! (or Teen Titans: The Retarded Series, or maybe Teen Titans NO!, or maybe Teen Titans GO TO HELL BEFORE YOU DIE!) is a retarded TV show of the Teen Titans when you mix the original Teen Titans TV shame with cancer, drugs, and retardness. It is created by Control Freak after taking over Cartoon Network, however... Control Freak got fired from Cartoon Network, but Cartoon Network still making dumb cartoons of the Teen Titans and still betrayed them. Teen Titans GO! is a rip-off of the original Teen Titans TV series

Teen Titans Go! is a Cartoon Network TV show featuring five teenage superheroes who believe it or not, cause mass destruction, rob banks, abuse each other and laze around.

All five like to kill and torture the people of Jump City. Rather than subduing their enemies, the Teen Titans kill them or leave them mentally scarred. The Teen Titans have already killed many, with notable entries including You, the original Teen Titans member, and another 4 million. If they weren't killing, torturing or abusing themselves and the citizens, they just randomly scream like the end of the world is coming (them).

Theme Song[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

The team consists of five members. Each member is a psychopath.

  • Robin - Leader. He is the greedy bastard of the group. He murders, abuses and taunts everyone when they slack off and dreams of having sex with Starfire. His biggest dream is to kill Beast Boy and dance on his grave.
  • Raven - A DARK person who thinks torture is love and life. She loves Ponies, and hates clowns. She is likely the only smart person in the group, if only the TTG writers does not decide to insult the original version of her.
  • Cyborg - Annoying ass robot human who yells for no reason.
  • Starfire - A totally stupid idiotic crap kid who doesn't know ANYTHING!!! It's likely because she is an alien but she is likely the only alien to have such low IQ.
  • Beast Boy - Lazy ass person that can turn into animals and help Cyborg annoying others for no reason. BB isn't even a hero, he is in because he just wants to rape Robin forever and get a baby with him.

Little Buddies[edit | edit source]

  • Silkie - Weird mutated worm thing, Starfire's pet.
  • Birdarang - A living boomerang just as stupid as Robin...and constantly rapes him.
  • Beat Box/BoomStaff - a living boom box with limbs and a Party goer.
  • Pain Bot - The robot that beats the living shit out of people with weapons, including the titans.
  • The Demon - Demonic entity
  • Dave the Wolf - A merciless wolf that kills people (Robin is his chew toy).

Allusions or Crossovers[edit | edit source]

  • The Illuminati appeared in "Master Detective"
  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles appeared in "Truth, Justice, and What?"
  • The "Cruel Giggling Ghoul" parodies Scooby Doo
  • Optimums Prime were mentioned by Cyborg. Cyborg transforms into Cyborgimous Prime that parodies Optimous Prime in "20% 40% 40%"

Theory[edit | edit source]

According to YouTubers, some YouTubers said this was created by Beast Boy's mind but some said it was created by Larry (alternate mini Robin from another universe), some say it's Control Freak (one of them villians) according to the actual show.