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MocaivTube is a video sharing company (that was a companion of YouTube, AmazonTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Vlare, and any video sharing company) founded by Mocaiv Inc., Meme Team, and Woodpartment. MocaivTube is also an important video sharing company when you upload meme videos, mashup videos, YouTube Poops, MLG videos, Soundfont Swaps of video shame music and TV show music, and any video since the Federal Trade Commission (who was working for Viacom) called YouTube a identify stealer. The Meme Team only makes MocaivTube available in Gamelon, Koradai, Hyrule CDi, Mushroom Kingdom CDi, Meme Island, Monkey Island, and Mobius. So the Meme Team only blocks their video sharing company in America so Viacom can’t see it in America