List Of Status Problems In Battles

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Here are the list of Status Problems in Battles

  • Poisoned: A status problem makes the user poisoned. The user loses 1/8 HP each turn. Only Steel-Types, Poison-Types, Virus-Types, and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Badly Poisoned: A status problem makes the user badly poisoned. The user loses 1/16 HP each turn, then it adds 1/16 each turn until the user faints. Only Steel-Types, Poison-Types, Virus-Types, and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Burn: A status problem makes the user burn. The user loses 1/16 of its HP. Only Fire-Types and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Freeze: A status problem makes the user frozen. The user can’t move unless it uses a defrosting move like Scald, Overheat, or any thawing moves. Only Ice-Types and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Paralysis: A status problem makes the user paralyzed. The user can’t move and it loses speed. Only Electric-Types and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Sleep: A status problem makes the user fast asleep. The user can’t attack for 1-7 turns unless using Sleep Talk or Snore
  • Attraction: A status problem makes the user fall in love. The user can’t attack mostly and became immovable
  • Confusion: A status problem makes the user unable to think clearly and becomes mostly reckless to hurt itself recklessly. The user can’t attack well and loses HP for 1-4 turns. Only Psychic-Types and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Curse: A status problem makes the user cursed. The user loses 1/4 of its max HP. Only Ghost-Types and Dark-Types are immune to it
  • Wither: A status problem makes the user withered. The user loses 1/4 of its max HP each turn, then it adds 1/4 each turn until the user faints. Only Ghost-Types, Dark-Types, and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Wounded: A status problem makes the user wounded and bleed. The user loses 1/2 of its HP. Only Rock-Types, Ground-Types, Ice-Types, Steel-Types, and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Glitch: A status problem makes the user glitch. The user can’t move and it loses speed. Only Bootleg-Types and Ultra-Types are immune to it
  • Flu: A status problem makes the user have the flu. The user’s defense and special defense is lowered. The flu that the user spreads to the foe if the foe attacks at the user in direct contact. Only Steel-Types, Virus-Types, Ultra-Types, and Poison-Types are immune to it