Evil Fimble Valley

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Evil Fimble Valley is a place where creatures called Evil Fimbles live. Including a frog, a mole, a bird and a chick. Evil Fimble valley is the only good place unlike evil ones like Evil Teletubby Land or Hell or Evil Dora the Explorer's House. Evil Fimble valley is also the only place that hasn't been destroyed or invaded. Evil Fimble valley is where Evil Fimbo, Evil Florrie and Evil Baby Pom live. it Hasn't been invaded since 2012-2014.It is also where Evil Rockit the Frog enjoys bouncing and Evil Florrie kills him. Rumored to be a world full of wonder and surprise. it is where their show is filmed.

Places[edit | edit source]

There's lots of places in Fimble valley.

  • Purple Meadow - This is a place where the fimbles get some peace and quiet and is basically a meadow....With Purple Flowers.It is also where Roly Mo's hole is.
  • Sad Hallow - Formerly called the Happy Hallow. This place is where Fimbo and Rockit most often hangout.it is a big rocky place.
  • Busy Base - a place where the fimbles make things. Mostly Florrie. This place has a big table to make things on.
  • Comfy Corner - Big, Really comfy place with cushions on it.it is where the fimbles go to sleep. It is beside the Purple Meadow
  • Tinkling Tree - This is the place where they get the Fimbling Feeling.it is beside the comfy corner which is beside the purple Meadow.it is the most exciting place because it tickles
  • Bubble Falls - The final place. This is where Bessie's nest is. There are lots of bubbles floating around. You couldn't count how many.