The Great Evil Teletubby Massacre

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Not to be confused with The Great Evil Teletubby Land Massacre, which happened 5 years after this terrible (or whatever) event thingy.

The Great Evil Teletubby Massacre was the biggest terrorist attack in history. Evil Teletubbies, Evil Boohbah, Evil Furbies, Evil Lemmings, and the rest of the Evil Teletubby Army grouped together and annihilated eastern Europe and south-east Asia. They did this because they hate those countries with a burning passion. They used an infinitum catalyst bomb, that contained compressed tubby custard, known as the Tubby Bomb. When it hit the floor 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of tubby custard smothered Europe. It was compressed into about 30 cubic metres and contained in a coltan-carbonate shell. 5 months after the bomb hit, the Evil Teletubbies and their allies descended and burned the remaining survivors. It is unknown if there are any more survivors, but if there is, they would be horribly mutilated.

Unknown to the Evil Teletubbies, all the devastation they caused was undone by the undefeatables and the powers of weakness, and the continents were restored, but Evil Dipsy is currently making more Tubby Bombs, so this can't be good.