Optimus Prime

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Optimus Prime is a super-mech action-hero robot-warrior of heroism. He is also the founding member and leader of the Autobots. Many believe he is the greatest foe of Megatron and the Decepticons. Optimus Prime is actually just in it for the explosions. In reality, he really couldn't care less about "Megacon" and his "Deceptasomethings". Optimus Prime is, however, the star of Transformers.

Optimus Prime is the son of Chuck Norris and a surprisingly attractive trailer. Four seconds after being born, Optimus Prime changed into his truck form and drove off in search of ADVENTURE! Being the son of Chuck Norris, Optimus Prime is naturally addicted to explosives (not unlike a certain green friend of ours). Because of this, he decided to pick a fight with a bunch of other giant transforming robots. Along with Shia Labeouf, Optimus Prime swore to destroy the Deceptasomethings, save the UnWorld, and cause as much collateral damage as possible! Optimus Prime has died numerous times throughout his life, but he's a godlike robot so they just rebuild him. He was last seen dying in Godzilla's mouth during the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, but witness account claims that he kept on fighting after getting his head bitten off because he's just that awesome. We're pretty sure he upgraded his head though.

Optimus Prime is also one of the five founding members of the Pepsi Republic, led by a powerful being known as Pepsiman.

After being thrown out of the Autobot Shuttle that was being burnt by a giant god known as Thanos, the latter later stabbed Optimus Prime in the abdomen with Optimus Prime's own axe.

Later, this lead to Pepsiman using his Pepsi magic to revive Optimus Prime. Optimus would then mix his Cybertronian DNA with Pepsiman's Pepsi magic, creating the being known as Pepsi Convoy, whose mission was to promote PEPSI!