-eegee Machine

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The -eegee Machine is a machine created by Chuck Norriseegee and NEDMgee to make more OP Fakegees. It is basically Chuck Norriseegee's answer to the Wa-Machine 2.0.

Settings[edit | edit source]

  • Weegeefied Clone - This makes a Weegeefied clone of a person, which almost always has a name ending in "eegee", hence the name of the machine.
  • Unweegified Clone - This makes a normal clone of a Fakegee, such as New Heregee, the "normalized" version of Hergee.
  • Actually Weegify - When you add something called "creativity" to the machine, it makes things like Malleo instead of Meegee.

Creations[edit | edit source]

  • Mr. Teegee
  • Asplode Tinky Winkeegee