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YouTube is a website where you could upload videos you made, plagiarized, or combined from other sources. People who have an unhealthy obsession with the 16th century think it is the modern version of the printing press. Stupid people think it is controlled by the Jews or an island that is famous for being the place where an ancient Greek poet lived. Psychotic people think it promotes stupidity. People who were not successful with the mainstream media, like Jaller, think it is their chance for fame.

This is YouTube's logo

YouTube is a video sharing website where you watch videos and you only make your own videos yourself and your life. Unfortunately, YouTube is a bunch of highly trained monkeys who used to work for Viacom. It turns out that YouTube is a deceptive and misleading company who accused innocent YouTubers and called their videos spam, misleading content, and other deceptive practices. YouTube has famous offensive videos that contains copyright without permission such as SpongeBob SquarePants episodes and other Nickelodeon TV Shows. Viacom appeared to sue YouTube money due to some videos that contains stolen copyright, Viacom told YouTube about the copyright laws and rules and Viacom started to make YouTube delete videos that contains stolen copyright. In the YouTube Poop Universe, Viacom brainwashed YouTube to delete videos that contains stolen copyright and YTPs and arrests YouTube Poopers (if they refused to delete their YTPs or set them in private) and rule the world.

Disney is another company whose copyrights are violated on YouTube (this also involes the violation of young children's minds). Their characters Elsa and Spiderman are featured doing bizarre and disturbing things in videos that are targeted to children whose parents let them use YouTube unsupervised. This was a massive conspiracy, and the true ramifications of it are still unknown.

Uh Oh! YouTube just started a music policy to force copyright protection to be obeyed, and canonally fair because of Viacom and other copyright holders. It is moar worse that YouTube is still trusted these copyright holders. Now any copyright holder will destroy everything important

Another way that reckless YouTubers posted stolen copyright which their work will be monetize (convert into a form of currency of punishment) by causing advertisements to occur by turning their videos into ad magnets by making money, making copyright holders tracking their accounts and IP Addresses to kidnap them and torture them.

Another way that YouTube did was a community guideline to injury a YouTuber from having permission so called strikes. Strikes is a threat against other YouTubers by stabbing them with flags. They made CrashFan96's video against the community. So CrashFan96 started a replacement. Now, YouTube made all William Videos anti-community content. However, there are YouTubers and YouTube Poopers that accidentally turned against the community

  • SMG4: Making videos with inappropriate words and hate speech, harassment, nudity, or violence. He tried to make a school video, but got arrested as a unsafe meme character mentioned by a Evil Teletubby
  • YouTube Poopers: Making videos with nudity, or offensive content

Then another way that reckless YouTubers posted stolen copyright turned out that they will end up with Copyright Claim ID that was a secret weapon to track a YouTuber's account and IP address. Copyright Claim ID doesn't make any sense and also just cringe

Unfortunately, YouTube and Google were responsible for violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act by stealing innocent children’s identities what if bad people tried to track a child’s android or Apple device’s IP address. Maybe some stupid people think that YouTube was stealing innocent children’s identity as a true lame excuse. In 2020, people on YouTube no longer creates kid-friendly content due to Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

In 2019, YouTube announced, while trying to hide it, that they would start deleting channels that were no longer commercially viable. The kids with like 5 subscribers who post shitposts and Let's Play videos are obviously going to get the can, but some people think that the people who love their race but are the wrong race will also be targeted.

However in January 1st, 2020. Youtube is about to block data collections in videos that are made for kids by protecting kids thanks to the Federal Trade Commission accused Youtube and Google of stealing innocent children’s identities like they tracked down children’s device’s IP Address so the Federal Trade Commission could bankrupt YouTube by avenging innocent children in order to make YouTube childproof. So Youtube agreed to stop videos that are made for kids and conformed the COPPA (known as Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). But several Youtubers made theories that YouTube is gonna shut down and predicted that OpenTube (aka AmazonTube) is gonna be confirmed in the near future. Yep, videos that are made for kids are COPPA’s natural prey or even Copyright’s prey, or it might be the Federal Trade Commission's prey. This is why YouTube is only for adults and was the world’s Adult Swim channel made by Weegee. That means that YouTube is about to discontinue their YouTube Kids program for COPPA

YouTube also blocked FLOWKILLER's triple mix offers by calling it wrong, dishonest, and not suitable content fraud as a dumb thing that YouTube ever done just like they accidentally know that FLOWKILLER committed copyright infringement/copyright scams instead of thinking that FLOWKILLER accepting requests. YouTube also think that triple mixes are against their Terms Of Use as being very dumb. However, the bots in YouTube are upgraded and updated and became extremely stupid glitches and turned against "triple mashup announcements" since the VSTF bots over-blocking innocent FANDOM users by faking vandalism and spam

In 2020, a civil disagreement broke out between YouTube and KODA with royalty fees as some stupid franchise

List of Enemies that pited YouTube[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It was mentioned that some companies such as ViacomCBS, Colgate, and Warner Music Group attempted to take down YouTubers' stuff, they are the dark side of YouTube
  • YouTube has also rivals such as Dailymotion and Vimeo
  • B_Viacom controls YouTube and attempted to track down your account and IP address
  • It was also mentioned that several companies and several copyright holders mistaken remixes as copyrighted material
  • Of course YouTube knows that some human reviewer has reported an YouTuber's videos to be unsuitable. It may be a dumb idea that some human reviewer found that any YouTuber's videos that are related for limited ads for acts of terror (such as war, death, and tragedy). However, it makes sense to YouTube's community policies... well, you know
  • Sometimes people will prank YouTube's staff/contractors by reporting some video of something asinine (but appropritate) being looped for 10 hours for nudity or something so that someone will have to watch that video for 10 hours.
  • It was also mentioned that YouTube is really a stupid miserable antagonistic piece of crap by blaming YouTubers for reused content (as a thing that a YouTuber stole content from a different YouTuber. It is also a separate version of copyright as a fact of plagiarism) without adding great information comments and reactions and educational morals

See also[edit | edit source]