Wolfgang Mozart

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Wolfgang Mozart was a German Austrian composer. He was into some weird shit, but he wrote better music than Salieri. However, he got into debt and didn't finish his Requiem.

Timeline[edit | edit source]

  • 1756. Salzburg. January 27. Wolfgang Amadeus was born.
  • 1761. At the age of 5, Amadeus begins composing.
  • 1773. He writes his first piano concerto.
  • 1782. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart marries Constanze Weber.
  • 1784. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart becomes a Freemason.
  • 1791. Mozart composes The Magic Flute.
  • On December 5 of that same year, Mozart dies.
  • 1985. Austrian rock singer Falco records Rock Me Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus oh oh oh Amadeus.