Wikipedia is the most important wiki, and thou hast invoked its name. Bullets have been emitted. Wikipedia is an evil website that makes articles about "facts". It was first invented by Jimmy Wales in 2001. He created Wikipedia, and then started making articles. The goal of these articles were to irritate, misinform, and bore people with facts, which is good and bad. As anyone can edit it, it has even more information.
Wikipedia is currently the headquarters of all the worlds evildoers, internet trolls, and random low lives. Wikipedia is disgusting because of all of its random lies which they call the truth.
Wikipedia is also known to have an alliance with Wiktionary and Wikicommons. The purpose of this alliance is yet to be confirmed, but it might just be to piss us off. That's the kind of thing they do. The Wikipedia is not incredibly effective at the UnAnything Wiki. It was ruled by a community led by Bishonen (Some Wikipedia user attempt to kill Happy Cat).
Wikipedia was originally going to be a corporation, but then Jimmy Wales found out that non-profit organizations were tax-exempt, so he created a Ponzi scheme known as Wikimedia. Due to the success of Wikipedia, Wikimedia made versions of it in every language known to man, as well as a bunch of other wikis that nobody uses at all. Now Captain 1 liked the facts, despite the fact that he was only a fictional character that can't exist in the Real World.