The Whatdaheckaredoesthings (not to be mistaken as Whatthehellisthisthings) are a really weird species that can appear crawling through your window at night. As you probably guessed, their name is based off of what most people say when they see one, "WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE THINGS?!?!?!" buuuut another saying is "KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS!" These are not very popular creatures, but are very strange. In fact, what are you even reading about them right now? No, you don't have a science project about them! Go outside and play some football or something! WHY ARE YOU STILL READING?!?! WHY AM I WRITING ABOUT THEM?!?!
Appearance[edit | edit source]
They don't look like absolutely deadly monsters with rabies, but the are actually quite cute. Their skin/fur/slightly broken toenal clippers are a dark shade of purple, formed in the shape of a circle. The don't have mouths, noses, ears, eyebrows, feet, legs, arms, hands, JUST FORGET ABOUT ANYTHING BUT EYES AND HEAD! Their eyes don't even look like eyes! They are just white lines! Somehow they can move and grab underwear, without limbs. It's a mystery, so call Scooby-Doo. They are common enemies in crappy Shames, and rarely appear in good shames. And- wait, what's that thing behind you? it's purple...and...OH MY GOD! RUN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- approximately 76 people die per year due to attacks by whatdaheckaredoesthings.