Warner Music Group

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Warner Music Group (WMG for short) is a music group that makes music in Warner Bros' TV shows and movies. It turned out to be they were copyright nazis that were secretly working for Viacom and one of the copyright holders who take YouTubers' stuff down and one of the threats in your country. They're the WORST ANNOYING SATANIST COMPANY IN THE WORLD JUST LIKE VIACOM! It was founded by Jack Skellington, but some guy named Jack banished Jack Skellington in the dark wastelands. The Evil Teletubbies are their secret agents. Their plan is to brainwash any characters from Cartoon Network/Warner Bros shows. They also created evil counterparts of the Animaniacs along with the help of some evil mouse named "The Brain" who wants to takeover the world

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • WMG also blocked SMG4's videos with copyright. This is why WMG are one of the world's annoying companies since Viacom