Video Shames
Video shames (also called video games by people that are dumb and stupid) are what you get when you cross a DVD, and a bunch of evil bloodthirsty monsters that are a bunch of copyright holders. They are designed to get people addicted to them so they will waste away, meanwhile the shame makers are filling their pockets with your money! However, due to the ignorance of the modern day human, this is very easy to do. In fact, there's a good chance you've already been put under their spell!
Shames[edit | edit source]
There are so many video shames, I'm not really sure where to start. There are shames about Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Master Chief, Monkey Island, TV Shames, Memes, YouTube Poop, MLG, Evil Teletubbies and a bunch of other guys who are not worth noting.
Genres[edit | edit source]
- Action
- Adventure
- Action/Adventure
- Shooter
- Teh Pies
- Platformers (sometimes known as walk, jump, and kills)
- Racing
- Racing Really Fast
- RPG (Role Playing Game)
- MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)
- VBMMORPGoD (Very Boring Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game of Doom)
- TMDMMORPGYCEPSYMNWTPTG (The Most Dangerous Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game You Can Ever Play So You Might Not Want To Play This Game)
- AGWYTPACNWYHSIKD (A Game Where You Throw Potatoes At Chuck Norris Without Your Hands So It's Kinda Dangerous)
- Boring
- Volkswagen racing
- Arrow Hunting
- My Little Pony Hunting
- Monkey Hunting in Monkey Island
- All Other Games go into this genre.
Types of Video Shames[edit | edit source]
- Normal Video Shame Console Shames: The original video shames
- Flash Shames: Shames that only run on Adobe Flash Player, until they will be extinct after Adobe Flash Player no longer be supported due to lack of audience. Of course The Saints Cat called these Flash Shames low-quality junk
- Mobile Shames: Shames that can be available in android devices and Apple devices. Since mobile shames became popular, Flash Shames will run out of business. Of course The Saints Cat called these Mobile Shames low-quality junk since he called these Flash Shames low-quality junk
- Indie Shames: These shames are created by small groups of people. You can see Undertale, Baldi’s Basics, or Five Nights At Freddy’s and etc.