Tubby Torpedo
The Tubby Torpedo is a weapon being mass produced in a hidden factory under Evil Teletubby Land. It is similar to that of the Tubby Bomb, but its a torpedo, it is found in cannons hidden in the sandy shores of Evil Teletubby Land, and also fired by the Evil Tubmarine.
History[edit | edit source]
One day, December 28 2017, Evil Dipsy was trying to come up with the next best weapon for the fellow Evil Teletubbies, when trying to find inspiration, he found a tin can, a bowl and a small propeller with unknown meaning. He poured Bad Tubby Custard into the can, and added the bowl and propeller, creating the model of a Tubby Torpedo.
Later, December 31 2017, he decided to make a real one, by pouring 1,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of compressed Bad Tubby Custard (the same amount of compressed Bad Tubby Custard in an actual Tubby Bomb) into an iron shell and added a water powered propeller and enemy sensor. He then tested it on some dummies, and it was successful.
Later, on January 7 2018, Evil Dipsy made a underground factory that mass produces Tubby Torpedos by storm, and now there are more than 9,000 of them being processed every decade!