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~ Tierboskat
Tierboskat Cat Norris


Gender: Male
Sexuality: Yes
Hair color: Tawny and black
Eye color: Black
Age: 13.67 billion years old
UnBirthday: September 5
Species: Deity Cat
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 12 kg rest mass
Home: Undefeatable Palace
Alive or Dead?: Alive
Death: overrated
AKA: Tier, Lil Sogga (stage name), lavreS (Enediumic)
Likes: Explosions, space, explosions in space
Dislikes: Sonic 06
Education: Yes
Occupation: Gary Stu In-Character Janitor
Known For: being Stuff
Powers: Let me ask you something. Why wouldn't a Deity Cat have powers that you cannot grasp the true form of?
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
UnRank: Graham’s Number X Graham’s Number

Tierboskat ("tiger bush cat" in Afrikaans) is a member of the Lower Counsel (not, as some people believe, Upper Counsel) of Undefeatables, and the first-born son of Ceiling Cat. He has 1337 R4P SK1LLZ and socially-crippling anger management issues, and possibly a maniacal tendency to Blow Stuff Up. Despite this, he doesn't like being mean in video shames. He was rumored to be REALLY OP until it was disproven with the fact that characters can't be more powerful than Chuck Norris by the decree of the rules of the wiki itself. Which is sad.

Biography[edit | edit source]

On September 5th, 13,669,997,979 BC at 5:62 PM UnTime, Tierboskat was born after Ceiling Cat decided that the world needed more cats. He played shames for the next 2 billion years, until the Little Green Men showed up in the still-forming M87. At that point, he realized he needed to get out and do stuff, so he did stuff, which created the first nuclear fusion reactions since Big Bang Nucleo-somethng-sus. We will provide more info soon.

2025-2030[edit | edit source]

Around the time gang activity began to skyrocket UnWorldwide for strange reasons, Tierboskat decided enough was enough and invaded Canada. Surprisingly, everybody was ok with this.

Powers[edit | edit source]

  • Hammerspace
  • Toon Force
  • Durability
  • Energy Blasts (we're researching these but they keep exploding our Walmart thermometers)

Go here for a list of all of his powers.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He can also turn into a humanized version of himself.
  • His paws can be used like hands. This is kind of a necessity.
  • He is, contrary to popular belief, not the reason anyone is hiding.
  • Despite appearances, Tier has a surprisingly-existent sweet tooth. This has lead to 5555543333888 attacks on Standard Captains to take out their reservoirs of Chocolate.

Gallery[edit | edit source]