The Scratch

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The Scratch (no relation to The Scratch Cat) was a thing that happened when some kid name John Egbert, his friend Dave Strider and bunch of other nerds played some ripoff of The Sims.

Somehow while playing the game they split the timeline and reset the other one creating an alternate timeline where things are different.

What's different[edit | edit source]

  • Bulk Bogan is replaced by a guy named Nulk Nogan, a pretty smart guy from the Balkans and lives with Jon Arbuckle and Jotaro Kujo in the Chatyot Republic.
  • NaN is replaced by the Goddess of Pointlessness, who does the same things pretty much.
  • Weegee is replaced by a guy named Üeegee who has his own brother and army.
  • All the captains are different and are represented by different things
  • Alot of other stuff, except for Chuck Norris since he's a universal constant
  • The Evil Teletubbies' counterparts are the Loud Family as villains, and Noo-Noo's counterpart are Lincoln Loud

More Info[edit | edit source]

Due to the UnAnything Team's general inability to document 2 entire alternate timelines please veiw the UnNothing Wiki, documented by the UnNothing team, for info on the post-scratch timeline.