The Evil Teletubbies Show (2077 reboot)

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The Evil Teletubbies Show is a reboot of the Evil Teletubbies' TV shows (The first one and the 2015 reboot) and what you get when you mix Cyberpunk 2077 with a couple of Evil Teletubbies to hypnotize yet another generation of puny children. It stars the Evil Teletubbies you all know, but inevitable. This show will be banned in anywhere from 10-15 years after 2077 in the Cyberpunk age

It premiered on January 1, 2077 on CBeebies. It premiered on January 8th, 2077 in the United States Of UnAmerica on Nick Jr.

Difference[edit | edit source]

  • The Evil Tiddlytubbies: Evil Ba and Evil Umpie-Pumpie is no longer part of the Evil Teletubbies show. The only Evil Tiddlytubbies left is Evil Ping and Evil Daa-Daa
  • Evil Teletubby Land: Evil Teletubby Land has now have a new city for the Evil Teletubbies' clones and robots

Episodes[edit | edit source]

Season 1: The 2077 Arc[edit | edit source]

  1. We're Back... and Inevitable!: The Teletubbies returned and kills people in 2077, until John Wick defeats them all
  2. POVID-COOTAH-19: Po's scooter gets an upgrade that can spray enemies with COVID-19. Later, Alt 2.0. gets her system crashed
  3. Po Waits For The Bus: Po waits for the bus to go to the carnival, until something illegal dishonestly happen
  4. Annoy Squidward Day's Comeback: In Viacom's abandoned ocean base in 2077, The Teletubbies awakened Squidward by annoying him and they got killed by him
  5. Valentine's Doomsday: It's Valentine's Day and the Teletubbies are going to ruin people's dates
  6. Satan Patrick's Doomsday: After stealing a pot of gold. The Teletubbies was cursed by a leprechaun with bad luck except Dipsy until they'll give the leprechaun the pot of gold back
  7. Totally McSane!: After having McDonalds for dinner, Po is having McNightmares that are Ronald McDonald from your nightmares when U.N. Owen Was Her and Speed Of Kirb plays. Jevil is also in Cameo in this episode
  8. Po Commits Tax Fraud: Po accidentally committed tax fraud and was arrested in jail until Po joined forces with the Blue Yoshis' anti-tax community
  9. Cooking With The Teletubbies: The Teletubbies does a cooking show in Royal Woods that was taken over by Viacom
  10. Anti-Piracy Tubbies: The Teletubbies reacts to video shame anti-piracy scenes
  11. Power Of ZERO Remastered: The Teletubbies reunites themselves as a Super Sentai to defeat AkaRed again
  12. Tubby Games 2077: The Teletubbies found themselves in the Squid Games and compete each other
  13. eikooC-ed?: Noo-Noo accidentally ate a eikooC and turns into Cookie Monster. Kermit hates this episode
  14. April Fools Rule: It's April Fools Day and the Teletubbies plot to prank everyone in the UnWorld
  15. Easterrors From The Easter Island: It's Easter and the Teletubbies are about to kidnap the Easter Bunny and about to hid eggrenades (that look like eggs but grenades) in every place
  16. Uhh... Meow?: The cringe movie Sonic stows away in the Tubby Dome and the Teletubbies caught him
  17. Being A Kaiju In Cyberpunk 2077 Isn't Enough: When Godzilla fights King Kong as a rematch in 2077 at Tokyo, the Teletubbies released the Tubby Monster to defeat both Godzilla and King Kong
  18. The Teletubbies' Loudest Hour: The Teletubbies celebrates the 61st anniversary of the Loud House TV show (That have been banned for years ago) and attempted to throw bombs at Royal Woods in May 2nd. Mocaiv Inc. hates this episode
  19. May The Fourth Wall Be With You: The Teletubbies celebrate Star Wars by using their death star to destroy the Fourth Wall
  20. Cinco De Mayonaise The Fourth Wall Be With You: The Teletubbies starts a fusion holiday when you mix May The Fourth Be With You with Cinco De Mayo in midnight between May 4th and May 5th
  21. Is Cinco De Mayonaise And Instrument?: The Teletubbies celebrate Cinco De Mayo and have some spicy food
  22. The Teletubbies Raids Area 51: The Teletubbies raids Area 51, until they met Invader Zim who has been captured and was locked in Area 51 for years
  23. Imitation Po: After receiving a FREE 20$ dollar bill from a scalper. Po committed a dollar bill fraud due to her using a counterfeit $20 dollar bill in a store in New York and started to resist a arrest by killing the Police. Po commits suicide after jumping in the acid lake while getting chased by the UnPolice
  24. Cooking With The Teletubbies II: The Teletubbies returns to do some cooking
  25. Revenge of the Evil Bag: Tinky Winky's bag came to life again to kill the Teletubbies until Sephiroth kills the evil bag
  26. Freaky Friday Night Freak Show: It's Friday night but Dipsy's invention gone haywire and caused the Teletubbies' minds and bodies swapped
  27. Teletubbies UnBound: Gorilla Kong's Comeback: The Evil Gorilla seeks revenge against the Teletubbies. So the Teletubbies fused into Teletubbies UnBound to defeat the Evil Gorilla
  28. An Titanic Parody: It's the first day of summer, and the Teletubbies plans to sunk a Disney Cruise. During the ending, the Disney Cruise sunk and crashed into Alantia
  29. Board Shame Chaos: The Teletubbies plays board shames
  30. The Fourth Wall Of July: The Teletubbies used fireworks to break the Fourth Wall during on a 4th of July
  31. Another Titanic Parody: The Teletubbies plans to sunk a Nickelodeon Cruise. During the ending, the Nickelodeon Cruise sunk and crashed into Bikini Bottom
  32. The Last Day Of Summer: It's the last day of summer and the Teletubbies are pouting because summer is going to end and school is starting
  33. First Day Of School: It's the first day of school and the Teletubbies are gone in their home dome, until it was a surprise party
  34. No! Not The Filler! It Burns!: Teepo watches some of Thinknoodles' old videos for 15 minutes and Piggy kills you after 15 minutes in the ending
  35. Here's Da-Da!: Da-Da attempts to haunt the Teletubbies
  36. Po And The Beanstalk's Ass: The Teletubbies are disappointed after Po buys some magic jelly beans instead of fast food. So the magic jelly beans grew a huge dummy-thicc beanstalk until Po stowaways in the giant's house above Hell
  37. Mad Dummy Thiccsters: Dipsy invents a Dummy-Thicc-inator to use it in the UnWorld
  38. Smoke Halloweed Everyday: It's Halloween and the Teletubbies are about to summon the scary monsters from a Goosebumps book collection
  39. The Teletubbies Gets W-O-K-E: Susan The Raptor accidentally lost the YouTube Remote again. Later, Po finds a YouTube Remote and used it for pranking
  40. The Teletubbies Gets Cancelled!: Susan The Raptor cancels this TV show and banishes the Teletubbies into the Cancelled Dimension for saying the N-Word
  41. Merry Thanosgiving: It's Thanksgiving, but the Teletubbies helps Thanos kill Barney The Dinosaur
  42. Cooking With The Teletubbies III: Kitchen Nightmares Before Xmas: After Thanosgiving, the Teletubbies returns to cooking
  43. The Magical TV: Teepo discovers a godly television and watches high quality stuff after Jesus Christ lost his godly television. The main Teletubbies are not in this episode
  44. Four Teletubbies And A Overdose Of Fried Oyster Skins: Po eats fried oyster skins and overdoses on ketamine and Asplodes
  45. Gigantamaxed Coffin Dance: The Dynamaxed Coffin Dance Boys terrorizes Teletubby Land
  46. Tubbylantis: The Teletubbies discovered a lost city in the Teletubby Land Acid Lake and met Capricorn, an Satanic Evil of the Tubbian Evil of the lost city
  47. Brewing With Tubby Custard: Dipsy and Doddy upgrades the Tubby Custard Machine to try new flavors of Tubby Custard such as chocolate flavor, fruit flavor, vanilla flavor, candy flavor, and the new mystery flavor
  48. Tubby Toast Tattletale: Dipsy and Doddy upgrades the Tubby Toaster to make new food versions of Tubby Toast such as Tubby Pizza, Tubby Sandwich, and Tubby Burger
  49. The Treasure Of The Merspirits: The Teletubbies are going on a treasure hunt to steal the Merspirits' gold
  50. Pokemon GO TO HELL BEFORE YOU DIE!: Po encounters a shiny Magikarp and gets distracted and commits suicide. And Susan The Raptor warns you to look both ways before you cross the street for your safety
  51. The Teletubbies Do Drugs: The Teletubbies do drugs by adding drugs in their Tubby Custard as drug-flavor. And Captain Lou Albano warns you if you take drugs, GO TO HELL BEFORE YOU DIE!
  52. Teletubbies VS Santa: After getting coal on last Christmas, the Teletubbies seek revenge at Santa by impersonating him to steal Christmas. Also Noo-Noo is on vacation at Fort Knox to suck people's Linka Louds by destroying their clocks on Christmas Eve
  53. Final Battle For New Year's Eve In 2077: The Teletubbies fight against John Wick for revenge in the last day of 2077

Season 2: The 2078 Arc[edit | edit source]

  1. New Year's Doom: It's 2078 and the Teletubbies are moaning due to their defeat after battling John Wick, they still never give up
  2. The Teletubbies Brings Communism To The Vietnam War: The Teletubbies brings communism to Vietnam for royalty fees by causing another Vietnam War
  3. The Teletubbies Brings Communism To Monkey Island: The Teletubbies brings communism to Monkey Island, until the ghost of LeChuck haunts the Teletubbies
  4. Enter The Pingas Monster: Po accidentally let a Pingas Monster wreck havoc in Teletubby Land
  5. The Teletubbies VS Mario Head: The Teletubbies encountered Mario Head
  6. Stop Ruining Our Dates You Monster!: It's Valentine's Day again and the Teletubbies are about to ruin dates again until they got caught by Mr. Monitor for their crimes. However, Alt 2.0. goes on a date with Mr. Monitor after she fell love with him
  7. Quadruclovania: The Teletubbies invades Quadrucloptia to kill Piggy and her little brother, these spirits you don't like appeared in cameo that was pranking Quadrucloptia with toilet paper
  8. St. Patrick's Dead Already: The Teletubbies painted Teletubby Land golden that lead to attracting lots of leprechauns
  9. Super Tubbies 67 Generations: Po plays Super Toad 67 on the Nintendon't 67 and goes "twinsane". In the ending, you'll see Teepo plays 67 GRAND DAD on the Nintendon't 67 while Alt 2.0. is in Sleep Mode
  10. Fool Me Twice: It's April Fools Day, and the Teletubbies are up to no good again until they got arrested by Mr. Monitor again
  11. The Teletubbies And The Brain: The Teletubbies meets a cyborg mouse named "The Brain" and helps him rule the world together
  12. Easter Crucifixion: The Teletubbies crucfied the Easter Bunny angering Jesus Christ
  13. Cooking With The Teletubbies 4: Jebus Khrist Wants Blood Enter The Dragonfly Edition: The Teletubbies returns to cooking... and now with extra blood as ketchup
  14. Mi Karambo!: The Teletubbies steals the Cactus of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! from the Senior Second Incarnation to beat up innocent people
  15. Buy MOAR Cards Or Else DIE!: The Teletubbies buys a pack of UnAnything Trading Cards, but they became obsessed with it and ends up committing tax fraud
  16. May The Forth Wall Of China Be With You: The Teletubbies hires Darth Ferb to kill Chinese kids on May 4th so Po can use her PO COOTAH to start another COVID-19 pandemic
  17. I Love Me Some Cinco De Mayonaise: The Teletubbies put mayo and mexican food on their instruments as the Is Cinco De Mayonaise An Instruments challenge
  18. The Teletubbies Meets Viacom: The Teletubbies got their first look in Viacom HQ
  19. You're A Poopyhead: The Teletubbies discovered Jerktonium and got corrupted into jerks, it was a prank by that poopyhead Teletubby named Tado who was bringing the Jerktonium. Alt 2.0. hangs out with Karen the Computer and mentioning that Plankton and Mr. Krabs has passed away
  20. Return Of The Rollercoaster: It's the first day of summer again and the Teletubbies builted the Coolest Coaster Ever until Noo-Noo calls the police to bust the Teletubbies, two female spirits Lachlan Duke Loud and Lincoln Loud is seen again in the cameo spying the rollercoaster
  21. To Refuse To Summon A Ultra Beast: Dipsy invented a device that can create a Ultra Wormhole
  22. Meowed!: WaHappy Cat and Drill Cat invades Teletubby Land to kill the Teletubbies
  23. Cooking With The Teletubbies 5: Now Fun With Guns: The Teletubbies returns to cooking again and now playing with gunz
  24. Independence Doom: The Teletubbies used some fireworks to destroy the Great Wall of China on the 4th of July
  25. Po, Fuck You! You Fucking Dick!: Po betrayed the Teletubbies by resurrecting WaHannibal Lecter and gets killed by him
  26. Ybbutelets Eht Fo Egnever: The Ybbutelets seek revenge against the Teletubbies, until some shiny Guzzlord invaded Teletubby Land
  27. Revenge Of Education City: The Education City Gang seeks revenge at the Teletubbies
  28. Talking Flowers Begin To Speak Inverted Japanese: The New Talking Flowers started speaking reversed Japanese language that annoys the Teletubbies and made them puke and fart
  29. Po's Best Nightmare: It's bedtime and the Teletubbies are going to bed, until Po dreamed in a world with Omega Flowey
  30. PufferfishRave.exe: Pufferfish Crab mutants are attacking in Teletubby Land and shooting carrots from their mouths just like this episode as a offspring/Pearl Krab's baby sibling since Mr. Krabs and Miss Puff are getting married
  31. The Ybbutelets Meets The Telotubs: The Ybbutelets and the Telotubs joins forces and attempt to destroy the Teletubbies
  32. Super Tubbies 67: Enter The Dragonfly: Po plays Super Toad 67: Enter The Dragonfly on the Nintendon't 67 and goes "twinsane" again. Then in the ending, you'll see Noo-Noo playing Expand Dong 67 on the Nintendon't 67
  33. Golden Out: The Teletubbies stole gold from a bank after the Meme Theater mention that the tickets are sold out
  34. End Of Discussion: It's the last day of summer, and the Teletubbies started crying. Until the VSTF bombed Teletubby Land and the Teletubbies was arrested by the VSTF

Season 2.5: The 2078 Arc Pt. 2[edit | edit source]

  1. Aww No! Here We Go Again!: It's the first day of school, until the VSTF releases the Teletubbies free. Until the Teletubbies are still up to no good
  2. Po The Inevitable: What happens if Po uses her Galaxy Brain to commit a brain expansion and became smarter than Dipsy
  3. The Incredible Dipsylk: Dipsy accidentally drank toxic waste and gained super heat laser vision and became a Hulk
  4. Mario Head's Comeback Pt. 1: Mario Head is back for revenge and sings the Little Einsteins Theme Song Remix and summons Freddy Fazbear, Bonzi Buddy, Pedobear, and the Little Einsteins' rocket. Awesome epic war ever discovered in this first part of this episode
  5. Mario Head's Comeback Pt. 2: After Mario Head and the summoned characters were defeated. Derek Chauvin, James Earl Ray, John Wilks Booth, Drillcat, WaHappycat, Weenee, and Blue Yoshi formed a evil gang to destroy the Teletubbies. Another awesome epic war ever discovered in this second part of this episode
  6. Revenge Of Education City: The evil Education City gang awakened from the depths of Hell and threatens to destroy the Teletubbies
  7. Fun With Extra Guns: The Teletubbies kill themselves with weaponry at Mt. Rushmore
  8. Cooking With The Teletubbies: Fun With Extra Guns: The Teletubbies returns to cooking with guns again until Noo-Noo is embarrassed with the horrible cooking they caused
  9. Sephiroth Returns: Sephiroth plots to kill the Teletubbies
  10. R.I.P.P.E.R.O.N.I. N Pastaghettis: The Teletubbies goes to the graveyard again to defile dead people's grave to resurrect them and turn them into Teletubbies
  11. Halt-O-Weed And Stop And Cease!: It's Halloween again, and the Teletubbies hangs out with Nosferatu at the graveyard to smoke weed and plot to steal Halloween candy from children just like stealing candy from a baby ...until the police arrested them
  12. Merry Pranksgiving!: The Teletubbies began to prank people on Thanksgiving and make Barney The Dinosaur die on Thanksgiving by pranks
  13. Teletubbies: Enter The Dragonfly: Po plays Spyro: Enter The Weegee Virus on the YTP Switch
  14. The Teletubbies Goes To Subway And Steal Footlongs With Extra Hot Sauce: Exactly what the title saids
  15. The Dr. Teletubby Filez: The Teletubbies fight themselves for a stupid remote when Dipsy are trying to watch the Dr. Zone TV show
  16. Teletubbies: The Eternal Night: Po plays Legend Of Mario: The Eternal Mystery Meat on the UnAnything CD-SwItch. In the ending, Po accidentally poops itself while playing that shame while Alt 2.0. is doing the pooper-scooping
  17. Cooking With The Teletubbies: EXPAND DONG EDITION: The Teletubbies returns to cooking and now with memes
  18. SOMEBODY TOUCHA MY PUBBY CUSSARD!: Po kills everyone after someone touched her Tubby Custard
  19. Merry Whateverfest: It's Christmas again, and the Teletubbies bombs Christmas Town. Until then, the other holiday characters planned to stop the Teletubbies
  20. And A UnHappy New Year: The Teletubbies got attacked by Sans on New Year's Eve to have a bad time and a UnHappy New Year

Season 3: The 2079 Arc[edit | edit source]

  1. So Long, Expand Dong: Po attempts to Expand Dong by making its PINGAS/Linka Loud grow longer until at the end of the Baby Sun
  2. Po Gets Her Linka Stuck In The Door: Exactly what the title says
  3. Ace Tubby: Some Teletubby got a old comic book called Ace Savvy. So he became Ace Tubby as a inspiration of Ace Savvy to kill people in the UnWorld
  4. Ace Tubby and Bat Tubby: Ace Tubby finds a common rival, the Bat Tubby and the Tubby Titans
  5. Cooking With The Teletubbies: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, STOP IT!: The Teletubbies returns to cooking to annoy the heck out of people
  6. The Wrath Of M. Bison Pt. 1: M. Bison hires a future bounty hunter to kill the Teletubbies and sold their skin to KODA in Denmark
  7. The Wrath Of M. Bison Pt. 2: After M. Bison's first bounty hunter gets defeated, M. Bison hires another bounty hunter who is extremely powerful to kill the Teletubbies
  8. The Wrath Of M. Bison Pt. 3: The Teletubbies knows M. Bison that he's going to kill them. So the Teletubbies battles M. Bison in a final battle. WaWaChuck Norris appears as Cameo to destroy the Teletubbies after M. Bison is defeated- HAH! There is NO WaWaChuck Norris!
  9. The Po Behind The Slaughter: Po sneaks in the stage play to kill actors
  10. The Po-Po Can't Stop Po: Po poops on her PO COOTAH and goes to fast until she falls of a cliff
  11. Silence Of The Po: The Teletubbies goes boating on the seas, until Po gets locked inside Davy Jones' Locker after crashed next to a iceberg
  12. Drill Run, Horn Leech, and Megahorn: Drill Cat and WaHappy Cat sneaks in Teletubby Land after hiding from Happy Cat
  13. Teletubbies, but without the Teletubbies: A normal Teletubbies show, but all of the Teletubbies are gone... except Noo-Noo and Alt 2.0 and chatted why are the Teletubbies gone?
  14. Teletubbies, but without context: Excatly what the title says
  15. Teletubbies VS Monkey Island: The Teletubbies goes on a treasure hunt in Monkey Island
  16. Trespassing Pests: The Telotubs annoy the heck at the Teletubbies
  17. Don't Mock The Handpuppet: Ducky is back in Teletubby Land to fight against the Teletubbies. Sans appeared in this episode as cameo
  18. Teletubutelets: The Teletubbies meets their mirrored counterparts
  19. Cooking With The Teletubbies: ZA WARUDO TOUR!: The Teletubbies starts a world tour for their cooking show! NOOO!
  20. HELP_me!: The Teletubbies visits a distorted universe known as the HELP_universe
  21. UOIEA: The Teletubbies builts a moon base, until moon people from DuckTales noticed that the Teletubbies are invading the Moon
  22. Minecraft Shady Oaks Pillage: The Teletubbies invades Shady Oaks in Minecraft to kill the new future members of Minecraft Shady Oaks where old Minecraft YouTubers spend time
  23. Stupid Po's Fury: A episode inspired by Bowser's Fury from Super Mario 3D World when Po gets corrupted by dark ooze and the other Teletubbies must save Po
  24. Revenge Of The Scary Lion: The Scary Lion terrorizes Teletubby Land until Po is Teletubby Land's only hope
  25. Ballard Of The Quadramon: The Teletubbies builts a fusion of Tikimon and Quadraxis to kill people
  26. All The Convoluted Misunderstanding That Some Guy Gets His Linka Loud Stuck In A Vending Machine: Some guy not in a ambulance gets a soda from a vending machine, until that vending machine fell in love with him so the Teletubbies recorded him getting stuck by a vending machine
  27. ZA WARUDO REVOLVING: After getting a time-stopping watch, Po is up to no good again and pranks the Teletubbies by stopping time
  28. Thumper Returns Back Harder: Thumper returns and invents the Teletubby-inator that turns people into Teletubbies that was a rip-off of the Tubby-tron 3000. So the Teletubbies congratulated him until he killed them
  29. Reject Tubby Custard, Return To McSanity: After getting Burger King for dinner, Po is having McNightmares
  30. Revenge Of The Fifth: The Teletubbies and Darth Ferb to steal mexican food from people in Mexico in Cinco De Mayo
  31. What If The Teletubbies Had $10,000,000?: Excatly what the title says
  32. Tinky Winky Enjoys Lean: Tinky Winky puts lean on Tubby Custard after getting addicted to lean (...because he's purple)
  33. How Many Years Does A Pufferfish Eats Carrotuba: The Teletubbies goes on Carrotuba as a vacation, until the pufferfish crab mutants return
  34. Enter The Bermuda: The Teletubbies starts a pyramid scheme by entering the Bermuda Triangle, but got eaten alive by the Sea of Monsters
  35. Stupid Po's Fury II: Expand Dong Edition: Po does a experiment on Expanding Dong and Pingas, until Po corrupted himself after committing a freak accident
  36. Stupid Po's Fury III: Cat Edition: After being annoyed by a couple of Ugandan Bowsers who acts like cats. Po began to rage and strikes again
  37. Cooking With The Teletubbies: WILL YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M NOT DOING THAT COOKING EPISODE AGAIN: The Teletubbies returns to cooking to annoy the heck out of people again
  38. Po Ate Too Many Tubby Custard And Now She Was Forced To Endure A Eternal Case Of Chronic Tubbystipation: Excatly what the title says
  39. Fan Mail Time With The Teletubbies: The Teletubbies do mail time from their fans and reads complaints from them
  40. Pokemon Legends Arc Pt. 1: The Teletubbies confront Dialga and Palkia
  41. Pokemon Legends Arc Pt. 2: The Teletubbies confront Solgaleo and Lunala
  42. Pokemon Legends Arc Pt. 3: The Teletubbies confront Zacian and Zamazenta
  43. Pokemon Legends Arc Pt. Z: The Teletubbies confront Zygarde
  44. Pokemon Legends Arc Pt. ULTRA: The Teletubbies confront Ultra Necrozma
  45. Pokemon Legends Arc Pt. Arceus: The Teletubbies confront Arceus
  46. Not What They Seems: The Teletubbies battles some evil guys with green inflatable morph suits that was responsible for destroying the Tubby Tower. So the Teletubbies built the Tubby Tower 2.0 and attempt to destroy Kramm, Forx, and Wuzzo. In the ending, the evil guys with green inflatable morph suits turns out to be the members of the VSTF