From UnAnything Wiki
SuperMarioLogan (Real name: Logan Thirtyacre) is a Youtuber that makes videos out of his mario plushies. 8 year olds go ape s*** crazy on stuff like this as his "show" is plain pointless. The guy who runs this channel is best friends with Pedobear. Suddenly, his channel was taken down by Nintendo due to Nintendo forming a cease and desist order to SML. Now SML wall only do the original creation characters after all. All because of Nintendo being selfish and extremely protective at their Nintendo characters since Pokemon Brick Bronze getting banned from Roblox
Though at least he didn't kill anybody in reality.
The Characters[edit | edit source]
- Chef PeePee- Bowser's slave chef. He is even more annoying than him and likes to beat up Bowser jr. for no apparent reason.
- Bowser - A retard that does nothing. He has Chef Pee Pee as a slave, and is overall just an annoying fuck.
- Rosalina- Mario's stupid girlfriend who whines because of "stars".
- Jeffy- Mario's adopted retard who does nothing but make Mario's life miserable.
- Bowser jr. - Bowser's retarded son who gets neglected by Bowser for f*** sake.
- Mario- The star of this show and the star of f***ing anything about him, meh.
- Shrek- The fucking thing of shrek is love shrek is life. He is portrayed to eat Sara Lee Cheesecake.
- Black Yoshi- Oh folk! He gotta get some purple kool aid and play some call of duty!
- Doofy the Dragon- A dragon that does drugs and likes to kill himself.
- Joseph Hisfriendfromschool - Bowser Jr's retarded friend who is more relevant to an actual f*ggot.
- Cody Calvin - Jewish friend of Bowser Jr. with a f*ggot step father. Obsessed with a doll of Ken from Barbie.
- Charleyy and Friends - One of the few things on the channel that isn't a "movie". It's just some f*ggot that does random shit nobody cares about.
- Logan Turdiacre: Perverted loser who watches Cuties everyday before he goes to bed with his Jeffy sex doll