Stupid Sofia the Stupid First

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Stupid Sofia the Stupid First is a lame counterpart of the real Sofia The First. She and her army of animals, Pedobear, Ugandan Knuckles, Big Chungus, and a shiny Zerora to take over N. Sanity Island to kick Vanillope Von Sweetz's ass. She is also working with Evil Dora the Explorer to destroy Mewtwo, but they got defeated by him

History[edit | edit source]

Sofia and her evil animal army were rejected by UnNick Jr, UnSprout, and UnPBS Kids because the show was LAME. She however was accepted by Didney Jewnyur. As her popularity grew, she recruited the characters from Didney versions of other popular shows: Suicide Mouse, Stupid Sheriff Callie, Hellena of Davalor, Evil Henry Hugglemonster, The Evil Octonauts, Evil PJ Masks, Plague Doc McStuffins, Evil Miles from Tommorowland, and Fake and the Stupid Never Land Pirates to join her evil army and take over TV World. All of them except Suicide Mouse accepted.