That's Silhouette. He blends in with the shadows. He is also an expert at shapeshifting.
Due to this, he can even blend in with the ground and slide through obstacles like doors, vents, etc.
Despite his abilities, he refuses to fight in any war and stay neutral at all costs, even if he is ordered to fight. However, if they attack him, he attacks them back.
He obviously has no face, thus unable to tell if how he feels.
Capturing him is impossible; Dimentio once caught him and sent him to the Dimension Jail, but he managed to escape.
He is practically a balance between Thanos and NaN; the entities of evil and good respectively, because again, the former wants things to die, and the latter wants things to be created. Thus, Silhouette being the entity of neutral; because whoever fights Silhouette, he does whatever they did to him back.