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School is a place when young people used to learn about the entire world, right? WRONG! School is a deathtrap when you are tortured and force to be smart. It is also mentioned that the school district has banned online shames in the Internet and stuff (like Club Penguin, Webkinz, Poptropica, and Moshi Monsters) by calling them forbidden satisfactions because they kept downloading web filters to protect the school from any virtual threats (like malwares and computer viruses) because they're really smart and evil. The reason why schools installed web filters due to the Children Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Sadly, web filters committed a false sense of security since they added online shames and other fun stuff in the blocklist (blacklist, ehh whatever) and made online shames being forced to be avoided since web filters are extremely over-protective at students in schools. YouTube is not allowed for teens and kids also