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Scammergee is one of the Fakegees. He is an online scammer who uses fake news stories about famous people to advertise his products, which include:

  • "Skin care" products (which actually make your skin burn off)
  • "Weight loss" supplements (which actually contain high levels of saturated fat that will make you morbidly obese)
  • "Brain-booster" pills (which actually make you dumber)
  • "Testosterone increasers" (which actually contain large amounts of radioactive estrogen that will, if you are male, turn you into a woman)
  • "Muscle-building" supplements (which are actually long-lasting vomit-inducers that will make you permanently anorexic)
  • Online casinos (that are rigged so that nobody will ever win)
  • "Work-from-home" offers (which actually involve you getting kidnapped while asleep and waking up on a cotton plantation)
  • "Binary options" software (which actually uses its AI to sell off all your good stocks and buy stock in companies that are going bankrupt)

If you ever sign up for one of his "free trials", you will get a bunch of monthly one-trillion-UnDollar charges from "Not A Scammer And Definitely Not A Fakegee Inc." on your credit card bill, and the only way to stop them is to cancel your credit card and get a new one.

He has been killed many times, but sadly, he is respawnable.

History[edit | edit source]

Scammergee has existed since at least 2007. When he started out, he shilled acai berry supplements.

Since then, he has been a part of many scams, written many fake news stories, and ruined the lives of many lawyers representing celebrities. The UnFTC told him to stop setting up fake news sites multiple times, but he didn't listen to them, because he lives in the United 'Gees Galaxy and he thought agencies of the UnAmerican government had no power over him. Until November 2017, when the UnFTC banned him from advertising any of his crap to UnAmericans. He already had operations in a bunch of other countries on UnEarth other than the USUA by that point, though, so he still sets up fake news sites.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He is dyslexic and doesn't know the difference between the letters I and L.