Ruggut The Teletubby

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Ruggut is the ninth original Teletubby (after Teepo.) He is the third good Teletubby that isn't a member of The Good Teletubbies. (After Mumu and Eho.) He has a crown shaped antenna and his fur sometimes grows on his face and screen. He calls himself, "The Great Leader" yet is strongly denied to not be the leader. He is also fuchsia colored.

He is currently hiding in the system of vents in the ceiling of the Evil Home Dome, spying on all the Evil Teletubbies as they plan their outlandish schemes and wreak havoc, and then reports them to Eobah, Eho II and Mumu II, the four have planned to escape to Nice Teletubbyland for a getaway, or if you're Ruggut, a home, but Evil Noo-Noo usually finds the plans and eats them, to show the Evil Teletubbies their plans, some say that the Evil Teletubbies are scanning all of Evil Teletubby Land in search of this crew, but Eho II and Mumu II live at Captain 0 Land, so they shouldn't worry, right?

Ruggut also joined the Good Teletubbies