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Reddit is a pro-abortion website. It promotes abortion by putting pro-abortion propaganda on the front page and by having porn, which corrupts ideas about sex by making people think sex isn't just for making babies. It also had a lot of atheism on it, which undermines morality by not providing a solid basis for morality.

Reddit is an infamous website on the internet. Its claim to fame is aggregating content by mob rule. It is the dwelling place of all the fedora-wearing neckbearded hipsters. It is also the less scary version of 4chan and the less freaky version of Tumblr. Reddit is mostly harmless. Reddit headquarters is in Meme Island, but Reddit's influence has spread across the UnWorld.

It also has cringe, which is just cringe.

Keanu Reeves was their king or something.

Addiction to it is a big problem in the United States UnArmy these days.

Notable Subreddits[edit | edit source]

  • funny (where people post stuff that isn't funny)
  • askreddit (where people ask the same question every day)
  • pics (pictures of things that aren't cats)
  • aww (pictures of things that are cats)
  • todayilearned (where people post things that they learned on Wikipedia)
  • worldnews (where people post news about the world and how it effects UnAmerica)
  • iama (where the famous people live)
  • casualiama (where people could say who they are and then other people could ask them what they think of this video)
  • explainlikeimfive (where children ask questions)
  • wtf (Self explanatory)
  • Fifthworldproblems (???)
  • BanVideoGames (people trying to ban mispellings of "shame" but fail miserably)