Postmillenial Awkward Dance

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The Postmillenial Awkward Dance is a name that Cg097 came up with for The Floss because he saw Gen Z people do it a couple times and he didn't know what it was called and hadn't heard the term "Zoomers" yet either. (He thinks this name is very cringe now.)

This is a dance that Postmillenials Zoomers do to make themselves look awkward. It is basically the only dance that Norwegians can do. People who don't have senses of humor Everybody calls it "The Floss" (or, "flossing"). Recorded flosses date back to 2013, but it only became well-known in 2018. There is a fringe theory that it originated in Ireland about 200 years ago, although mainstream historians do not think this is credible.[1] You can do it in Five Nights of Fortnight.

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