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This is what Poppy wants you to think she looks like.
This is what Poppy (maybe) probably actually looks like.

She's walking on this world.

~ [[Charlotte, "Poppy Exposed, But Not in a Lewd Way, Because Poppy Is Too Afraid to do it. Poppy Would Never Do This. Poppy is Too Afraid to do This. Let's See Poppy Try This. Let's See Poppy Try This. Poppy is Too Afraid to do This. Let's See Poppy Try This."]]

Poppy is either an alien or a robot. Nevertheless, she has considerable interaction with human society, and seems to enjoy it. However, she has not yet realized that humans process their experiences by going unconscious for approximately 8 hours, and not by making a YouTube video for approximately one minute. It is unclear whether Poppy exists in the Real World or not. Some say she's really a girl named Moriah Pereira, but if that's the case, she's probably being mind controlled, like in that movie based on a Stephanie Meyer book that this author's sister checked out from the library one time.