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Pokemon are animallike (and sometimes plantlike or nonliving objectlike) creatures that have the ability to bend elemental powers. At the moment, there are way too many species of them. They are studied by professors who send 10 year olds out with Pokedexes to travel throughout whole regions and collect data in an unspecified way. Organizations like Team Rocket want to steal them for money, and organizations like Team Aqua and Team Magma may want to release them to fulfill an agenda.

Kinds Of Pokemon[edit | edit source]

Legendary Pokemon[edit | edit source]

Legendary Pokemon are both special and legendary beings that are really powerful. They are hard to catch unless you have a Master Ball, but you need to save your Master Ball to catch a Legendary Pokemon based on the version of a RPG Pokemon shame you're playing

Mythical Pokemon[edit | edit source]

Mythical Pokemon are very special event Pokemon rarer than Legendary Pokemon. You can only get them during events in the old generation. But you can get them on Mystery Gift for special events

Shiny Pokemon[edit | edit source]

Shiny Pokemon are Pokemon with alternate colors. These are the most rarest Pokemon that have been discovered. However, the Game Theorists made a theory that Shiny Pokemon are about to DIE due to skin cancer, radiation burns, piebaldism as a genetic mutation. But that was rejected. A example of a Shiny Non-Pokemon is Lincoln Loud and Albert Loud due to their white-hair trait they got from Lincoln Loud's ancestor that was a Shiny Non-Pokemon. That's the reason Albert's family side has passed a white-hair-trait for generations. Phineas and Ferb also has colorful hair as being a Shiny Non-Pokemon. Of course, some fictional characters has colorful hair (white, blue, red, green, orange, and purple instead of brown, black, yellow, and light yellow)