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Pikachu is a bizarre electric mouse/squirrel Pokemon. It is actually pretty rare and highly sought after, but Ash Ketchum got one by simplying waking up late on the day he was supposed to receive his first Pokemon. When he got to Professor Oak's office, all the starters were already taken, so Oak just gave him a Pikachu he had lying around. This undoubtedly aroused some resentment in other trainers, but it was actually a mixed blessing for Ash, because because of Pikachu's stubborn personality, it's really hard to train, and because its rarity caused Jessie and James of Team Rocket to harass Ash and Pikachu a lot.

Between 1998 and 2012, Pikachu's average body mass dropped by 43%. This is obviously proof that global warming is real, because it demonstrates that Pikachu needs less fat to stay warm.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Pikachu instigated the Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century.