Pepe the Frog

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Not to be confused with Pepe Le Pew or P.E.P.E..

Pepe the Frog is a half amphibian, half human creature.

Description[edit | edit source]

He was originally born as a frog, but became humanoid when he was a teenager. He likes to dance Dame Tu Cosita and drink Pepsi. In Japan he is called カエルペペ, and that's why he is always teased by Japanese/Anime people and called him カエルペペペペペペペペペペ (that was exhausting). His friends are the other memes, such as John Cena, Weegee, Spongebob, Waluigi, Shrek, Doge, Nyan Cat, and Big Chungus. He was banned in Shames like HaloBob GunPants and Fatman because he always call other people to try to die in the game, causing them to lose.

Jobs[edit | edit source]

He once worked in Burger King but because he only eat human food mixed with flies/frog food, and called people to try the Fly Whopper, Causing people to become half frog, half human creatures, one of the costumers is called Richard Spencer, causing him to become Richard Spepencer, so he was fired.

He had also worked in Hollywood but he was too MLG, so that he made the film not making sense, so he was fired again.

Now he is unemployed, like Patrick Star.