Murphy’s Law

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"What could possibly go wrong?" ~ Zack Underwood

Murphy’s Law is a force that makes (un)anything that go wrong will go horribly wrong. It spreads all negative such as bad luck, destruction, chaos, disorder, and vandalism to everything by distorting reality. But in order to reverse Murphy’s Law, we reversed Murphy’s Law into Inverted Murphy’s Law.

List of things that can weaken the effects of Murphy’s Law[edit | edit source]

  • Sickness: The effects of Murphy’s Law are disabled and weakened when Milo Murphy gets the flu
  • Sappy Sentiment: The Murphy Family has banned foolish attitudes and reckless feelings toward a situation or event so called “sappy sentiment” as a bad habit
  • Chinese Finger Traps: That was Milo Murphy’s fear after Milo Murphy mistaken chinese finger traps as bugs haunting him
  • Power-Reverse-Inator: That inator can reverse the powers (including Murphy's Law)