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Mesopotamia is a place in the Fertile Crescent. The people there were responsible for many things that still influence life today.

CUNEIFORM!!!!![edit | edit source]

So the Mesopotamians figured out how to cut symbols that represented language onto clay. This made trade and tax collection easier, but it also allowed them to write cool things like the following:

CODE OF HAMMURABI!!!!![edit | edit source]

Hammurabi was this guy who was the first guy to write down the law. He was like an ancient version of Justinian, except for the part about marrying a circus girl.

His laws weren't entirely fair, but they were still pretty fair.

THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH!!!![edit | edit source]

The Epic of Gilgamesh was the first story to be written down. It was epic.

In the story, Gilgamesh beats Enkidu in a fight. Epic win!

Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill a giant and cut down a tree. Epic win!

But then Enkidu dies, so Gilgamesh goes to the bottom of the sea to get an immortality plant. However, it got stolen. Epic fail.

THE HURRIAN HYMN!!!!!![edit | edit source]

Hurrian Hymn no. 6 was the first written music that we know about. However, no one knows for certain what it actually sounded like. Some people think it sounded like this:

But other people think it sounded like this:

The divine drink[edit | edit source]

Beer is believed to have been invented by Mesopotamian women.

The Mesopotamian-Californian War[edit | edit source]

When Miranda Sings claimed she was the first person to write a book, the Mesopotamians got mad and declared war on California. First they bought boats from the Phoenicians and sailed to California. They were able to make considerable advances onto the mainland before they were halted by the California National Guard. Despite technological disadvantages, the Mesopotamians outnumbered and defeated the Californians.