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MEGALOVANIA (a.k.a. Tikimon The King Of Mashups Inc.) is a group of characters (with their theme became a mashupping source) along with unlikely heroes led by Tikimon and Sans. They are a rival of the UnDefeatables. The only members who can fused themselves as DarthTikimon 2.0 are Tikimon, Sans, Phineas, Ferb, The 10 Loud Sisters, Milo Murphy, Ronnie Anne, Evil Twins, and Mechabandicoot. Without Sans, they can fuse into DarthTikimon without him. In the future after 2070s, MEGALOVANIA was retired, until it got disabanded after The 10 Loud Sisters and Phineas And Ferb was captured by Viacom

Members[edit | edit source]

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • The Undefeatables
  • The Evil Teletubbies and their army
  • The Coffin Dance Boys