Johnny Zest

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Johnny Zest is a fairly Average dude who lives in Oasis Springs.

He is known for his good natured personality and is often seen drinking.

One of the reasons why he's semi-famous is his tie to the Bogan family.

Life History[edit | edit source]

Johnny was born around the same time as as Weegee was killed by Ganon (5704).

His father was an intelligent clone of the long dead Murfee who worked for the McArmy who out at least four enemy soldiers on an island called New Caulde.

Johnny was taken care of by the scientist who invented Death Juice, who was a former agent of the UnAmerican Army.

Johnny, as such, grew up learning about many things above his at-the-time age level including, but not limited to, magic, the law and the rules of the life.

Johnny never had the money for drugs. The family fortune, which was split equally him, his dad, and the scientist taking care of him.

Johnny's dad, the clone of Murfee, was an excellent musician, but Johnny (at the time) had little to no interest in music.

In his spare time he did a lot of gambling, and that was where he learned how to make enough money to fund his own band, which his Dad & even the scientist guy wanted him to do.

After creating his band, Mean Boys, he needed members. The first 3 members to join were:

  • Boba Fett, who joined to learn more about seemingly regular culture.
  • Viacom, who was secretly plotting to steal the rights to the bands music,
  • Tails, who wanted the band to be seen as "the bad guys." (This was due to Viacom owning the rights to the band. Tails's "evil" motives were also seen as the reason for the band's name).

After that, he made a point of using his band as a method to help those around him, and as well, a means for people to escape.

As their first concert progressed, the band was attacked. Tails took over the body of one of the bystander casualties. He then used the body as both a host and a sacrifice for his weird plan.

After that, Tails managed to destroy the planet they were on, all for his plan. He called it his "Halloween Special". He also used his super strength to make an asplosion so big it could've asploded the UnUniverse.

Johnny and his band began to perform their gig throughout the world for their audience, using costumes in order to look cool. The band's popularity continued to grow, and everyone became a fan, including UnWorld's inhabitants and aliens.

Then after a few years, Viacom finally stole the rights to the band by stealing some paperwork that was just lying around.

After that Johnny and Boba Fett were forced out of the band and didn’t get any royalties or anything.

Because Johnny had no money, he bought a house in the small Piramidian town of Oasis Springs becoming the true 30th member of the community, and he has worked as an Open Mic Performer Ever since.

Ties to Bogan Family[edit | edit source]

As you can guess, after moving into Oasis Springs, Johnny has had a relationship with the Bogan Family. Much like with Enyaba Ordonez, his relationship goes quite deep and is quite on & off.

The first time Johnny met with the Bogan Family wasn’t a nice one. After he first moved into town he went to introduce himself to his neighbors (the Bogan family) and was immediately given a cold shoulder by all of them.

Things were fairly quiet between the 2 entities, but that was until the time Dio tried to frame Johnny for murder as a “prank”.