Imposter (Among Us)
An Imposter (Fraudator sp. and not to be mistaken as an Imposter, who are which are Ventervision sp. pretending to be the Crewmates species, which is not to be confused for Humans.) is a pathetic Species of parasitic alien originating from the planet Galius. They like to take over people's brains and turn 'em into psychotic people and kill their fellow crewmates. The imposter would then eat the body because they are too poor to afford MacDonalds.
Origin[edit | edit source]
The Imposter originated from the planet Galius in the Pepe System. They were known to infect other species in order to survive. When the planet was discovered in 2644 a group of idiots thought it would be a good idea to land there and eat an unsuspecting egg laying around the area. Little did dose idiots knew was that the egg would hatch and would take over an entire body of one of those cremates. The parasite would go on and kill the entire team. The ship continues flying for over a millennium at the rate of a normal light year before reaching the UnWorld in 3678. Since the parasite was still alive, Albert Einstein dissected the thing and learn how the parasite infects people. However, the imposter during the 1000 years journey the parasite had many offspring and thus infected many people in the science project. This spiral out of control and soon begun infecting large amounts of Humans. This spark the Susian Wars between the Humans and the Imposter zombies.
Infection Process[edit | edit source]
Usually when an egg hatch they try to find a host. Most eggs are hatch from inside a body and usually, the eldest takes control of that body and kicks out the rest. The younger ones find a new host by either Getting eaten by the host, the alien enters their body through their holes, or kill them and just crawl into them. Once then they would usually infect the first organ they enter. Once they take most of the organs, including the brain, they kill their host and personified as them.