“My start on the internet was humble. I worked my way up like many people did.”
Ickeriss69 (AKA Michael Patrick Lotz)is a masked psychotic goth YouTube troll part of the Galactic YouTube Trolling Crew.
Out of all of them, he represents the Draco constellation.
He first arrived on the internet in 2007, and has been trolling everybody since then.
He returned to his computer in 2015 again. He later joined the Galactic YouTube Trolling Crew and gained the powers of the Draco constellation.
He harassed people globally throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, South America, Australia, and North America.
He's also known for being writing negative comments about every YouTuber of any kind (with many subs or not that many) everywhere unless if they were a troll.
Ickeriss69 actually admitted he wanted to be a troll and also admits he's not quitting trolling! Scary isn't it?
He's seen teaming with Chris-Chan, who represents the Triangulum constellation.