Handy Manny

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Template:Can't be eaten by goombasTemplate:Captain0ApprovalYou know my motto. You break it, we FIX IT!

~ Handy Manny's slogan ILLEGAL!! (Starts speaking spanish)
~ Handy Manny on before getting deported
Handuel Manuel

You break it, we fix it!

Gender: Male
Sexuality: No
Hair color: Brown
Age: 37
Species: Human
Home: Somewhere in Taco Town
Death: LOTS
Likes: Greediness
Dislikes: Bob the Builder
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
UnRank: -673,467,244,903

Handy Manny is a ripoff of Bob the Builder, and is a illegal immigrant from his home in Taco Town where tacos reign supreme, he didn't like the crazy amount of tacos he was eating, and he HATED taking OVER 9000 shits in the toilet per-day. He sadly was captured by the UnUS government, with the help from Bob the Builder, he was taken to a detention center, but escaped 1 day later. The UnUS government has yet to catch him again.

History[edit | edit source]

Handy Manny was once a famed builder, but after seeing that Bob the Builder was WAY better than him, he started getting revenge, by killing his machines, shooting people, summoning earthquakes on Bob's construction sites, and once he ran him over, BIG MISTAKE, the UnPolice were called, but Handy Manny escaped to kill another day!

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He is friends with Kevin.
  • He was ONCE an Undefeatable, but he was exiled by Captain 0 after 3 shot him to death, and he was revealed to be loyal to 0 niatpaC and the Satanist Empire. however Handy Manny respawned.
  • His real name is Manny Garcia.
  • He hates being in That Black Van
  • He is even a member of the Elmo Gang!
  • He has been deported back to Taco Town 1 time. However, in a few days he will be deported again.

Template:Members of the Pepsi Republic