Good Po's Evil Counterpart

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"YOU IDIOT!" ~ Po The (EVIL!) Teletubby

"kill her kids, be muuuuuuurdered!" ~ Po


"You haven't learned one thing. IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED! BWAHAHAHAHAH!" ~ Po knows where you live when you refuse to kill everything

Po's Evil Counterpart is an evil Satanic teletubby, a evil counterpart of Po, and the leader of the Evil Teletubbies. She has Satanic powers and worships the devil. She has an evil fruitloop of doom on her head, and can use heat vision with it. She kills lots of people with her powers. She is the most feared of all the Evil Teletubbies. She was once put in the BBC Logo. She featured a creepy smile. She eventually was asked for tax payment on getting into the logo, so she looked at her boss with her evil red eyes, and the boss decided to keep her in the logo. She stayed in it for 2 more years, before selling her soul to the boss to get her off, due to some, "embarrassing agreements". A shocking line she mentioned right after that situation was, "I don't need a soul, my friends and I are evil anyway".

Possible Moves[edit | edit source]

Evil Hug, Dark Pulse, Demon Pulse, Distortion Pulse, Sin Pulse, Sinister Radiance, Backstab, Insanity, Outrage, Burning Jealously, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse