Good Lincoln Loud/Abilities

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Here’s the list of abilities that Lincoln Loud have

  • 4th Wall Awareness
  • Making creative plans around his sisters’ antics
  • Extensive knowledge of his sisters
  • Excellent Impersonation of his sisters
  • Charisma
  • Amateur detective skills
  • Go-kart driving
  • Playing the bass
  • Roller Skating
  • Cooking
  • Video shaming
  • High Resistance to his sisters’ mockery and teasing
  • Chessmaster
  • Math Skills (despite the fact that Math was Lincoln Loud’s least favorite subject)
  • A-Grade studying
  • Comic writing
  • Comic drawing
  • Painting skills
  • Party tricks
  • Playing guitar
  • Drumming
  • Pageant Coaching
  • Rope Climbing
  • Caddying
  • Commercial Making
  • Transgendered Personalites