Girl pop

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Girl pop is a category of music that I've heard people mention on the Internet before. It is apparently just pop music that is made by girls.[1] You would think that this is what girls listen to, but boys listen to it too (This is kind of ironic and is basically the joke when boys talk about girl pop.).

Girls will also talk about listening to "girly pop."

List of known girl pop songs[edit | edit source]

  • "Rather Be" by Clean Bandit
  • "Every Time We Touch" by Cascada[2]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. "Girl" here is used in the sense that can also include grown women.
  2. One time another troop (this was prior to girls being allowed to be in Boy Scout troops) was playing this song on a boombox at S-F Scout Ranch and the scouts in my troop started making ironic gay jokes to each other about it.