Gielinor is a land in cyberspace that is best described as anarcho-socialist. Everything there is run by the secret society known as Jagex.
There are two kinds of people in Gielinor: adventurers and NPCs. NPCs are like second-class citizens.
Politics and government[edit | edit source]
Gielinor is fragmented into four Kingdoms ruled by Kings. However, they have no real power and are ineffectual in keeping order. Everything is actually controlled by Jagex.
Legal system[edit | edit source]
The only crime in Gielinor is being a bot. Murder is legal there. Women and children do not receive extra legal protection against this. This makes it even worse than Viking society.
There might be rules against fraud, but they are not enforced.
Property rights[edit | edit source]
Property rights are generally secure, with a few major exceptions. Gielinorians can increase their security even further by putting a PIN on their bank account. There have been no known confiscations of property by the government(s). However, as mentioned above, fraud is rampant and goes largely unpunished. Also, Jagex has at times imposed regulations on trade. They weren't able to prevent ashes bubbles caused by speculation that started in AD 2009. Karamja Customs also regulates trade.
Jagex gives adventurers free stuff a lot.
Jagex forbids players from trading with each other between Real World stuff and Gielinorean tuff, but in 2013, they started allowing you to trade Real World currencies to Jagex in exchange for a Gielnorean asset, the Bond, which is one of the reasons Gielinor feels like one big casino now.