Galactic YouTube Trolling Crew (UnAnything fork)
The Galactic YouTube Trolling Crew is a group of trolls representing a group of constellations. They formed in 2015.
Major members represent the Zodiac and the boss, JamesThePreacher represents the Orion constellation.
For members #1 - #75, their secondary representation (The planets) are in bold and means they are part of the subgroup, known none other as the YouTube Trollar System.
Members #76 - #100 are considered "rogues" (Scroll down for more info).
List of members chronologically for each constellation[edit | edit source]
- JamesThePreacher (Orion, the Hunter)(Founder and Supreme Leader)# SammyClassicSonicFan (Aries, the Ram)(1st Zodiac of March)
- Super Minecraft Kid (Taurus, the Bull)(2nd Zodiac of April)
- Coppercab (Gemini, the Twins)(3rd Zodiac of May)
- XXMysteriousManXx (Cancer, the Crab)(4th Zodiac of June)
- LifeInATent (Leo, the Lion)(5th Zodiac of July)
- MagicalPockyUsagi (Virgo, the Maiden)(6th Zodiac of August)
- Jessi Slaughter (Libra, the Scales)(7th Zodiac of September)
- Nascar221 (Scorpius, the Scorpion)(8th Zodiac of October)
- MarioTehPlumber (Sagittarius, the Archer)(9th Zodiac of November)
- Butch Hartman (Capricornus, the Goat)(10th Zodiac of December)
- PeckcellaVonPeter (Aquarius, the Water-bearer)(11th Zodiac of January)
- Applemilk1988 (Pisces, the Fish)(12th Zodiac of February)
- Ickeriss69 (Draco, the Dragon)
- Elisocray (Perseus, the Knight and Mercury, the Ice Planet)
- BG Kumbi (Ursa Minor/Major, the Bears)
- Caiden Cowger (Circinus, the Drawing Compass)
- PimpinMasterDX (Centaurus, the Centaur)
- Eli J. Brony (Lupus, the Wolf)
- Cassidy Boon (Chamaeleon, the Chameleon and Venus, the Metal Planet)
- Dawah Man (Dorado, the Swordfish)
- Chris-Chan (Triangulum, the Triangle and Earth, the Grass Planet)
- DaG00t (Fornax, the Furnace)
- Roosh V (Phoenix, the Firebird and Mars, the Fire Planet)
- Ray Comfort (Eridanus, the River)
- Youlkerstiend1 (Crux, the Cross)
- Lynn Ann (Lepus, the Rabbit and Ceres, the Psychic Planet)
- Laci Green (Delphinus, the Dolphin)
- Nick Bravo (Cetus, the Whale)
- Isvaffel7 (Musca, the Fly)
- Kylie Stocks (Lyra, the Harp)
- ELRealBoredMario64 (Vulpecula, the Fox)
- GTASkillz (Sagitta, the Arrow)
- JaredValdez4 (Camelopardalis, the Giraffe)
- Jared Milton (Caelum, the Chisel)
- Megasage007 (Bootes, the Shepherd)
- TheLastAbacus (Scutum, the Shield)
- Uwe Boll (Aquila, the Eagle)
- Thunderf00t (Telescopium, the Telescope and Jupiter, the Thunder Planet)
- CMPuke101 (Microscopium, the Microscope)
- Aron Ra (Mensa, the Mountain)
- Adam Kokesh (Tucana, the Toucan)
- MonkeyGameGuides (Antlia, the Air-Pump and Saturn, the Stone Planet)
- Durham Francis (Ara, the Altar)
- IntelligentCoDFanboy (Norma, the Carpenter's Square)
- Onision (Columba, the Dove)
- AKNotHoleResident (Equuleus, the Horse)
- ADoseOfBuckley (Serpens, the Snake)
- 3pacTV (Lacerta, the Lizard)
- 0u75p0k3n (Auriga, the Charioteer)
- Warcorpse666 (Horologium, the Clock)
- AdvancedEdition (Argo Navis, the Ship)(Is actually a combination of three constellations, Carina (Keel), Puppis (Poop Deck), and Vela (Sails))
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Ophiuchus, the Snake-Charmer)("13th Zodiac")(Zodiac Master)
- ChachaHindustani (Pavo, the Peacock)
- Anita Sarkeesian (Volans, the Flying Fish)
- TheReviewSpace (Corvus, the Crow)
- Spudroosi (Sculptor, the Sculptor)
- Josh Markey (Hydrus, the Sea Serpent)
- SilverKnight171 (Hercules, the Bodybuilder)
- Cindybin2001 (Cassiopeia, the Queen and Uranus, the Light Planet)
- Tobakilacion (Cepheus, the King and Neptune, the Water Planet)
- Da Bezd Chanl (Crater, the Cup)
- Madmax53357 (Pictor, the Painter)
- Jake Paul (Sextans, the Sextant)
- Logan Paul (Octans, the Octant)
- TheBalishChannel (Pyxis, the Mariner's Compass)
- PhyloFilms (Canis Minor/Major, the Dogs)
- GyroHedgie453 (Corona Australis/Borealis, the Crowns)
- Chad Warden (Reticulum, the Reticle)
- Gligar13Vids (Apus, the Extraordinary Bird and Pluto, the Dark Planet)
- Jennifer Koller (Monoceros, the Unicorn)
- Harolds Cat (Lynx, the Mountain Cat)
- MuesProductions (Grus, the Crane)
- Michelle Phan (Pegasus, the Winged-Horse)
- Alex Mae Muholland (Andromeda, the Princess and Eris, the Poison Planet)
- CodyTheKingOfYouTube (Indus, the Indian)
The Zodiac Master[edit | edit source]
The dictator of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan also has been a troll on the internet while being a dictator towards his own country. However, he looked up at the sky and saw the Ophiuchus constellation. He then became the 52nd member and got the powers of the Ophiuchus constellation, and since it was rumored the "13th Zodiac" due to the Zodiac line or whatever crossing through Ophichus right between Scorpius and Sagittarius. Coincidentally, 13 x 4 = 52....... He's also the one who leads the Zodiac under JamesThePreacher's commands.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
JamesThePreacher said that the 75th troll (CodyTheKingOfYouTube) was the final troll and was to begin with as he didn't want to go beyond 75 and not even 80 or 85 because he thought 75 was plenty for him to conquer the galaxy and also thought that some of them were just lazy variations of other ones as opposed to new ones (Leo Minor being a lazy variation of Leo for example, and Piscis Austrinus being a lazy variation of Pisces, both of which could've been done into truck and helicopter constellations respectively).
Upgrading the members[edit | edit source]
JamesThePreacher decided to upgrade eleven of his trolls and gain the power-up abilities of the nine planets of the Solar System and put them in a group of YouTube trolls who have the ability to access Solar System-themed power-ups named the "YouTube Trollar System".
Rouges[edit | edit source]
According to JamesThePreacher, there are 25 rouges (Numbered #76 - #100) who are in a fight with these people who represented obsolete/former constellations.
More info: Galactic YouTube Rouges
See also[edit | edit source]
- YouTube Trollar System (The subgroup of this crew)
- Galactic YouTube Rouges (The people who are against this group)