Face Morphing

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Face Morphing is an activity that morphs peoples faces. It is often used as an attack.

Face Morphing[edit | edit source]

It is fairly simple to morph faces. If you have Uglykinesis, you can use that. If you DON'T have uglykinesis, you must find something such as a blender, a shrink ray, Sonic, or a Face Morpher. Once you have someones face morphed, you can alter features. You can stretch their face, move part around, squish it, or make it explode (for enemies). It is a very fun activity, but it is not fun getting your face morphed. Doing Face Morphing will lead you to having the Face Freeze

Notable Face Morphers[edit | edit source]

Notable victims of Face Morphing[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There is a shame about face morphing. It is called Morph My Face.
  • Face Morphing is good for killing time... or killing anyone for that matter.
  • Killing people with face morphing is FUN!
  • Though it is called face morphing, you can also morph things without faces.
  • There is a face morphing simulator called Garry's Mod.
  • It was an "Face Freeze" inspiration