Evil Telotubs

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The Evil Telotubs (Scientific name Ventervision gigantoventer) are dank version of the Teletubbies. They're also rivals of the Evil Teletubbies. They wanted to be more famous than the Teletubbies, and tried to make their own show, though it is not as popular as the Evil Teletubbies' show. They only made one episode (which was about one minute) because their heads can easily fall off. They both hate the Good and Evil Teletubbies and have tried to kill them lots, but they always failed as they had none of the Teletubbies powers, and were stupider. They live in Teletubby Land, in an abandoned junkyard they have claimed as Telotub Land, where they live in Tub tower, which is a lamer version of Tubby Tower, which is much smaller and weaker. They also eat Tub Custard and Tub Toast.

The origin of the Telotubs is unknown for certain, as they are not part of the Teletubby race, and yet they look similar to them. Some beleive it started when Adolf Hitler wanted a group of aliens to help his rampage so he typed in evil on Google and the first thing that came up was the Teletubbies who often invaded many areas of the UnWorld. He then created an original idea called the Telotubs. At first, his determination meant that when Do was created, she as a very good copy of Po. He then created Doopsee who was clever and was full of wisdom. Tonky Wonky was a mechanic, though not as good as Dipsy, and Yaa-Yaa was just a plain waste of space (Hitler grew overconfident after Do, and the Telotubs grew worse). Another theory is that Mr. Clipboard drew them on his first day of preschool, but they accidentally came to life, destroying the preschool, except for Thimper, who decided to be good.