Evil Teletubby Clones

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Evil Teletubby Clones are evil clones of the Evil Teletubbies that do whatever the Evil Teletubbies say. They are an important part of the Evil Teletubby Army.

Evil Dipsy created them in Evil Tubby Tower alongside Evil Teletubby Robots, so there would be more Evil Teletubbies, vastly increasing the size and strengh of the Evil Teletubby army. Not all the clones were perfect, but they were still just as deadly, so they kept them all, even though this wasn't planned since Tinky-Winkytwo was supposed to be the only Evil Teletubby clone. The clones were disigned to answer only to the Evil Teleubbies, so if anyone else wants their help, they must either trick them into thinking that they are a Teletubby, or bribe them.