Evil Kermit The Frog
Kermit is a mutated radioactive frog (similar to Godzilla) who likes to play banjo, and drink tea. He also is a pro at using AK-47s.
Early Life[edit | edit source]
No one really cares about Evil Kermit's early years, but what we do care about, was the time Evil Kermit first exited the swamp. (He even acted it out with his friends.) When Evil Kermit first exited the darn swamp, he discovered the joys of tea through the local Starbucks he just found.
He also stopped frog gutting experiments, enough said.
Sesame Street[edit | edit source]
Evil Kermit went to Sesame St. at the wrong time, as crime had taken over, and he was with no gun, at least, until he discovered AK-47s, making Evil Kermit the toughest frog in Sesame St, despite the fact that he was nice and stuff.
Evil Kermit now tells this, and the tea story, at local McDonald's near his swamp. If you can't get there, you can always play Grand Theft Sesame Street or watch Evil Kermit's Swamp Years. It is also mentioned the Evil Cookie Monster and Constantine The Frog have triggered Evil Kermit. It also known that Evil Kermit have been kermitting genocide against Bufosmixes, but failed