Drill Cat

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Drill Cats at are precious murders and were evil cat-like creatures from hell, a Drill Cat who decided to kill WaBonzi Buddy and Phineas and Ferb. He'd got arrested by WaPedrobear and were thrown into the German Prison and were thrown into the pit. And then he'd escaped and killed a Nazi and destroyed half of the German Prison, but the German soilders threw him into Pelican Island and Drill Cat was fed with the pelicans, but Drill Cat was very dangerous and ate all of them. Drill Cat decided to go in A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away and become a Sith Lord. Later, Drill Cat was fallen in a white void, but he escaped without being trapped in his imagination, and travel through Outer Space until played war with Dunecat after landed a realm inside a blanket. Then Drill Cat headed to Evil Teletubby Land, but got ripped into shreds by a Evil Gorilla and threwed Drill Cat into the middle of the Evil Teletubby Land Acid Lake. He'd got revied by NintenDON'T and gained killer instincts from a evil murder to a calm and nice murder

Possible Moves[edit | edit source]

Pound, Drill Run, Drill Peck, Megahorn, Horn Leech, Outrage, Play Rough, Hone Claws, Swords Dance, Acupressure, Lash Out

Drill Cat.jpg