Crewmates (Among Us)

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Crewmates (Not to be confused for an Imposter, which is some thing that looks like the Crewmates species pretending to be a Human.) are a weird humanoid species from planet Jupiter with detached arms, no heads, but incredibly a neck. Crewmates evolved completely separately to humans but still share the common structure of having legs and a torso. Crewmates are still pretty stupid, not being able to maintain the most simple of structures built by them. They can also be found in the shame Among Us.

The Great Evil Teletubby Involvement[edit | edit source]

Evil Dipsy one day in Evil Teletubby Land thought it would be a good idea to impersonate one of them to test their intelligence, so he did the standard Teletubby yoga exercise of regressing his head and legs into his torso, and for months no Crewmate noticed the increasing amount of Spaghetti that went missing. This disguising and evilness worked so well that the other Evil Teletubbies copied him, and started infiltrating Crewmate living spaces. Then Evil Laa-Laa started killing everyone, drawing the attention of every single Evil Teletubby, who'd all try to making this species go extinct in the most stupid ways possible.

Crewmates around the galaxy would hear the news that the Evil Teletubby Army was army was after them. Asplode Asplode Tinky Winky was the worst of them. And worst of all, he could be any one of us... Luckily, they had a friend on the inside, because Horrortime Teletubby didn't give a crap about them and as such kinda protects them due to his habit of eating his fellow Teletubbies.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • They have hands, but they aren't attached.