From UnAnything Wiki
Colgate is a toothpaste and toothbrush company that helps your teeth being clean and healthy. But they were copyright nazis that take down Nickshorts' YTPs of their mascot named Dr. Rabbit. Colgate is also working for Viacom that will rot innocent people's teeth instead
- Companies
- Organizations
- Colgate
- Viacom
- Copyright Nazis
- Guys who made people rage quit YouTube
- Guys that will bury you alive inside the copyright grounds underground in the Internet
- Merciless Companies that block your videos in your country for Copyright
- Evil
- Ruthless
- Trolls
- Evil Masterminds
- Evil Organizations
- Evil Companies
- Villains
- N00bs
- Dorks
- Idiots
- Jerks
- Freaks
- Weirdos
- Traitors
- Dictators
- Terrorists
- Genocidal
- Controversal
- A bunch of random spam
- A bunch of random cringe
- A bunch of random slang
- A bunch of random shit
- Unsafe for kids
- Unsafe for adults
- Extremely unsafe for kids and adults
- Article Stubs
- People Planning Revenge In Hell