Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

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"YouTube! I know that you're stealing innocent children's identifies!" ~ Federal Trade Commission is being satanic

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (or COPPA for short, but aka Childproof Order of the Poisonous Predator Act or even Bye Bye Children) is a lame excuse and foul attempt made by the Federal Trade Commission that wanted to make YouTube childproof by destroying every video made for kids after thinking that YouTube has been stealing children’s identities so the Federal Trade Commission became extremely protective at every child around the world since Donald Trump was under a risk of being impeached because of the Democrats. COPPA turns out to be a threat to bankrupt YouTube by avenging innocent children. For now on in 2020. YouTubers will no longer upload videos that are made for kids. This is also an COPPA effect that YouTube will shut down their YouTube Kids app. This is the darkest day that the Federal Trade Commission will destroy the YouTube Kids app in the near future

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is why the reason that the Federal Trade Commission called YouTube an cyberbully
  • This is also why you can't use videos to target innocent people
  • YouTube Poop Wiki has banned these shit as political stuff. Because they called political stuff unneeded crap for a stupid reason as a reality problem